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Your Second Visit


Please give your  feedback how you went after the first visit!  Over time your chiropractor will learn how to best approach your body during treatment, your feedback is the best tool for this. Feedback might include:

Wow felt great after the treatment,

Hey I was a little sore after you did that but it settled,

When you massaged at that spot it really felt good,

Hey my knee feels better but is it normal to now feel something in my hip?



The history and exam has already been done, so this visit is more hands on, the chiropractor has an idea what to do but lets re check then get to work. 

Home advice

Most of the time there is something you can do to improve your health at home.  Ideally you will want to either change a bad habit, learn an exercise that will strengthen you, or learn a correct lifting technique.   Once you understand how your body works (the chiropractor explains this many times), most people like to learn methods of keeping good health. ​​

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