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# 1 in Back, Neck Pain and Sports Injuries

We have moved!... Down the road

Level 1, 171 Victoria Ave

Inside DMC Health & Wellness

chatswood chiropractor



On your initial visit to the clinic a thorough history and examination will be taken. This enables the chiropractor to have an understanding of your body and suggest a treatment plan. X-rays are not necessary for this process but can be of assistance.  If you have X-rays bring them in.


There are only two reasons you may be asked to obtain X-rays 


  • If you are receiving treatment and not improving, an X-ray can show if a change in approach might suit you better.

  • You have had a recent trauma or surgery that is related to what we are treating

A Better Life

When your joints and muscles work well you can enjoy

  • Increases flexibility

  • Reduced injuries

  • Less stiffness so more energy

  • And of course less pain

neck pain
What You Need to Know Before Choosing a Chiropractor
  • Are the appointments centred on you

  • ​Does the chiropractor practices what he preaches

  • Will you be seeing an experienced and passionate chiropractor

Chiropractor in Chatswood


We have moved!....Down the road


Level 1, 171 Victoria Ave


Inside DMC Health & Wellness




Study shows Manipulation beats Mobilisation

When the joints of the body move properly the muscles are able to work much easier, blood flow is optimum, pain nerves are inactive, and there is less wear and tear on the joints.However when joints tighten the muscles around the joints have to work harder to move those joints, blood flow is reduced, inflammation can occur, pain nerves are activated, and wear and tear sets in.

Both Mobilisation and Manipulation are used to restore joint movement. Mobilisation is a gentle movement of a joint within its range of motion (ROM) however if the joint has limited ROM mobilisation takes many treatments to restore normal movement. Manipulations take a joint to its 'restricted' limit and then a quick thrust is delivered to the joint, instantly the joints ROM are restored.

Manipulations have now been shown to be safe and have a larger effect on pain and function than mobilisation (1). I have always taken great pride and interest in continuing to master my manipulative skills by attending seminars every year.  Once manipulations focused more on the spine but todays chiropractor have expanded into all the joints of the body. I use manipulations to treat shoulder, hip, elbow, knee and other joints of the body very successfully.

Many people that present to me are either in chronic or acute pain, a thorough assessment and diagnosis helps choose the best manipulation to restore healthy joints.

1.Coulter, ID, Crawford, C, Hurwitz, DC, Vernon, H, Khorsan, R, Booth, MS & Herman, PM 2018, 'Manipulation & Mobilization for treating chronic low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis, The Spine Journal 

Introduction to Chiropractic

How to use the Spikey Massage Ball

 Back Pain Exercises

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